Of Tests, Trauma and Travels…

Wow! So this is my blog huh? What do you do with these things again??

I’m finally home, and very well rested. Its been quite a number of weeks since I’ve touched my blog – during which I’ve studied for, and written all of my grade 11 exams, worked hard in the Union Trauma ward, cycled many hours, and been all the way to Durban and back! Phew!

I’d just like to thank all of you who prayed for me through my exams. It was honestly a trying time, and I cant say that I’ve ever studied as hard as I did last December, and I couldnt have stayed motivated to push myself if it werent for the fact that so many people were behind me. Well done to everyone else who finished the year off well, I hope I havent made too much of a fuss of my own exams when you’re all doing the same thing 🙂 For me, the stressful part was knowing that if I didn’t give my all, I might not be able to fulfill my dream, but of course, that is up to God’s all-powerful will.

As for the Cycle Tour, and my trip to Durbs, I’ll put some photo’s up as soon as I sort out the gallery on The Silver Sword. I’m not happy with the current arrangement, so I’ll see what can be done.

Its hard to believe its 2008, and a whole year has come and gone. I find that making goals for myself at the beginning of a year is really helpful in keeping me from laziness, and it gives me something to measure my progress through the year by.

So these are my goals for 2008 so far:

(Besides the obvious, like doing my work well and getting accepted into med school)

  • Put more time into mastering the trumpet, and hone my drumming abilities.
  • Make my quiet times a priority such that I plan my day accordingly
  • Be more careful about what I fill my mind with (movies in particular), and to take drastic action if I find I am filling it with something which would not please God
  • Trust God completely in every circumstance and learn not to rely so heavily on my own 5 senses
  • Read more
  • Love more

I think it would be fantastic to hear your goals and aspirations for 2008 so that when we pray for each other, we can pray more specifically with regard to these areas. Recall my thoughts on prayer? 😉
Best wishes for the year, may God increase our faith for His glory!

~ Antz ~

4 thoughts on “Of Tests, Trauma and Travels…”

  1. here’s some of my resolutions 🙂 :

    -be more faithful to having my quiet times
    -trust God in every situation
    -glorify God by putting my all into my playing piano
    -try to be less irritable
    -exercise more

    that’s just some of them. hopefully i can stick to my resolutions this year! 🙂

  2. – TRY to get up at 6:00 every morning
    – Need people less; and love them more.
    – Be less sensitive
    – Read through the whole Bible

  3. No way Gill!! One of mine is to need people less and love them more! No joke! Baby five 🙂

    A couple of mine are
    -To be completely satisfied in God
    -Memorise the book of Proverbs
    -Get a cello
    -Wherever I am, be there 100%

    Good thoughts Anton. We should be praying specifically for each other.

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